The game greatly expands upon each act of the movie, which is where all of the returning levels from the first game that weren't in the movie make their appearance.
In addition there are new Clank gameplay segments, and some planets have been completely overhauled in design and length, such as Gaspar having a brand new mining sandbox with a jetpack. Some of the weapons from the original game return, along with some new ones, including from the sequels.
While the returning levels remain similar to the original game, new elements have been added, such as the more streamlined combat and upgrading system of the sequels, and a flight mission in Metropolis.
Adaptation Expansion: Once again on two levels:.
Some are done for continuity reasons, such as Ratchet's lack of experience using weapons (this is explained away as Qwark telling his own take of the adventure).
Many scenes and important moments from the film are cut that remove a lot of character development, such as Nefarious' prior history with the Galactic Rangers.
As well, Ratchet is no longer in it just to have a good time, but now aspires to be a hero, just like in the PS3 games. Ratchet is shaken by his failure to stop the Deplanetizer from destroying Novalis instead of getting obsessed with revenge, along with the fact that several planets from the original game were removed, including ones that contained major plot points in the original game. For instance, Ratchet doesn't have the nasty falling out with Clank like in the original, due to the event that caused it (Qwark backstabbing Ratchet and revealing he sided with Drek) happening much later.
The characters' personalities and chemistry are also revised to more closely resemble later series entries.
Significant portions of the second and third acts have been removed as well, excising fondly-remembered levels like Gemlik Base and Oltanis.
Some plot points are removed or simplified for example, Ratchet and Clank find Qwark early on instead of spending a big chunk of the game searching for him.
The original video game, due to the plot being an adaptation of the movie's:.
Adaptation Distillation: The basic Narrative Beats are still intact, but there are a lot of changes made to the overall progression.
Achievement System: Trophies serve as rewards in this game, with the original Skill Point system being removed.