They will be repaid for what they have been doing. And leave those who practice deviation concerning His names. Allah says in the Quran: And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them. To help you memorize the meanings of the Names we will cover a brief explanation and daily implementation of that Name in your life. One of method Almighty Allah taught us in the Holy Quran is through His glorious names, Asma ul-Husna(utmost in beauty). So be active because it will increase your knowledge of the Quran at the same time! Most of the Names are mentioned in the Quran so we will give you interesting clues and mini-assignments to look up yourself, in the Quran. 1 Ar-Rahmaan The Beneficent He who wills goodness and mercy for all His creatures. We will introduce the Beautiful Names of Allah, Al Asma ul Husna, one by one. 99 names of Allah Meaning and Explanation Name Transliteration Meaning Explanation. Holy Quran 7:180 This is completely re-designed artwork compared to the previous release.59. That’s why we are introducing a special learning experience by not only memorizing 99 Names of Allah and more together, but also learning how to live by them! The Most Beautiful Names Belong to Allah, So Call on Him By Them. Nama 99 itu artinya nama itu kepunyaan Allah SWT yang Maha Indah. How can we develop our relationship with Allah, if we don’t know Him enough! How can we love Him and feel awe for His greatness if we don’t know His attributes? Asma berarti nama atau sebutan, Husna berarti baik atau indah. This book aims to illustrate Allahs names and attributes to children in highly engaging. Messenger of Allah said, 'God has 99 names, a hundred less one understand whoever will enter Paradise.' (Shahiih Bukhaari, Muslim Shahiih). We feel that every Muslim should know all the 99 names of Allah and more. ASMAUL HUSNA SERIES AL-BASIR: THE ALL-SEEING WHERE NO ONE CAN SEE ME.